Frequently Asked Questions

  • State Thespian Officers (STOs) are students in good standing who serve on the State Board of NY Thespians. They help organize and manage Thespian conferences and festivals, such as the NY Thespian Festival, alongside the adult board. STOs represent and speak for NY Thespians, attending induction ceremonies, assisting in troupe charters, and ensuring the State Board is aware of the incredible accomplishments of Thespian students throughout New York. Additionally, they advocate for the needs and interests of the students.

  • To inquire more about joining the NY Thespian Board please send an email to or wait for an application to come out soon.

  • The State Board of Directors consist of the NY Thespians State Board and State Thespian Officers who work together to plan the NY Thespian Festival and more.

    NY Thespians Board Members help plan activities, events, and initiatives for members. Adult Board Members have the opportunity to serve on one or more committees, including membership, education, fundraising, advocacy, diversity and inclusion, and more!

    State Thespian Officers (STO) are Junior Thespians and Thespians who plan events and keep students connected. They are the student voice of Thespians. The STO Chair works with the International Thespian Officers (ITO) to share ideas and raise concerns at the international level.