The advocacy for theater education is a compelling mission that unleashes creativity, fosters essential life skills, and promotes empathy. Through the transformative power of theater, students discover their voices, learn vital skills, and gain a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives. It's a call to ensure that every student, regardless of background, can access the arts, bridging educational gaps and nurturing a lifelong love for learning. By championing theater education, we empower the artists and leaders of tomorrow, creating a brighter future filled with boundless possibilities. Join us in this important cause to unlock the potential of young minds through the magic of theater.

Theater in Our Schools Month

Join thousands of students and educators in March as they raise awareness about the importance of theatre education and advocate for more access for all students and more programs. Participate by spreading the message on social media, in your school, and in your community.

Albany Advocacy Day

Advocate for theater education by speaking directly to lawmakers at Albany Advocacy Day. Show the value of theater programs with stories and evidence, making a convincing case for more funding and support. Passionately argue that all students should experience the transformative power of theater, shaping the future of theater education for generations.

Join the Board

Join NY Thespians and become part of a vibrant community of theater enthusiasts dedicated to supporting and promoting theater education in schools. Connect and collaborate with like-minded people, advocate for theater, and make an impact. Plan and organize the annual NY Thespian Festival and host various events throughout the year.